Some of you are very savvy about finances and investment. You understand the ins and the outs of business, and thus make a killing in the marketplace time after time. Kudos to each of you in this category.
But for those who struggle with finances and worry about money constantly, the reality is that you were probably never exposed to people who either could or would educate you about money accumulation.
Being ignorant about how money works and how it can work in your favor is a dead-reckoning sign that your bank account is running near empty. That’s the bad news.
The good news is that you can get a jump-start in understanding the dynamics of wealth accumulation. And it need not cost you a bloody cent until you have accumulated a storehouse of basic knowledge.
A great starting point for your education is to consult government websites. Many developed countries have fantastic resources posted online or in bound volumes in government offices which instruct you about how to overcome financial blindness.
A good example of such publications is on the US government website. Take a look at it. Whatever country you may live in, your government or some concerned citizen group is waiting to help you.
It’s hard to be successful in business, if your life finances are going south month after month. Make this your turnaround month. Education about money – how it is made and nursed – pays big dividends.