How many great ideas slip through your consciousness on a daily basis?
Far too many, I bet, and it need not be that way. Capturing great ideas should be a high priority.
Splurge on a journal book. Writing down ideas is a much more effective way to remember things than to type a message/memo into your laptop.
Every day look for people and events that make you say: “There has got to be a better way.” There is! Write down the problem or irritation and then start looking for solutions or partner with someone who can solve the problem.
You’re in business. Memory is more than an exercise in writing down ideas. It involves taking care of your body and mind so that the aging process doesn’t lead to dementia.
According to the National Institute of Aging, here are a few ways to keep your mind fresher longer:
*Lower cholesterol and high blood pressure. A number of studies in recent years have suggested that vascular diseases–heart disease and stroke–may contribute to the development of dementia.
*Don\’t smoke or abuse alcohol. According to a recent research report from Harvard Medical School, “Improving Memory: Understanding Age-Related Memory Loss,” smokers perform worse than nonsmokers in studies of memory and thinking skills. Heavy alcohol use can also impair memory.
*Get regular exercise. Physical activity may help maintain blood flow to the brain and reduce risk factors associated with dementia.
*Maintain healthy eating habits. Eating vegetables may help slow down the rate of cognitive change in adults. Of the types of vegetables, green leafy vegetables had the strongest association with slowing the rate of cognitive decline. Also reducing foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol and eating fish with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and tuna, may benefit brain health.
*Maintain social interactions. Social interaction can help reduce stress levels and has been associated with a lower risk of dementia. Get out from that computer parking space once in a while.
*Keep your brain active. Some experts suggest that challenging the brain with such activities as reading, writing, learning a new skill, playing games, and gardening stimulates brain cells and the connections between the cells, and may be associated with a lower risk of dementia.
And…don’t forget what you just read!