“Life responds to deserve and not to need. It doesn’t say, “If you need, you will reap.” It says, “If you plant you will reap.” The guy says, “I really need to reap.” Then you really need to plant.” ~Jim Rohn~
Nothing gnaws at your soul with more ferocity than the sense of regret, plans gone awry or goals never reached.
You can hide this sadness from others with a little practice, but from yourself – it is an entirely different matter.
Should haves, could haves and might haves will eat you alive, cell by cell.
Perhaps you haven’t noticed: Very little positive happens to anyone who sits on the sidelines or waits for someone to notice them. Yeah, life just ain’t fair.
You must step up in order to break out. And in order to break out, you must prepare by building a knowledge base and by improving your character.
I’ve heard countless people say: “I would be a XXXX professional, if I only had connections, a little money, more brains, more time…” or you fill in the blank.
Sounds good – maybe even convincing – but I’m afraid excuses are the firewood of a loser. Successful people and wannabes understand where excuses and procrastination lead – to the end of the bitter road.
Take even one small step forward in your life each and every day. Don’t depend on time, lotteries or a salary wage increase to carry you forward. Depend on your own impassioned ideas and actions to get you where you want to go and where you deserve to be.